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Parent in Horizon

On the glorious horizon majestic Mother Sun,

Rises eternally and nourishes us.

Upon the cool horizon almighty Father Moon,

Rises ceaselessly and sustains us.

To a weak and quivering feeble chick,

Thou nourish them to a matured Cock, who doodles around,

O! Caring and nourishing mother Sun.

To a feeble and weakling Puppy,

Thou sustain them to a mature dog, who barks around,

O! Sentinel guardian Father Moon.

Upon our misty road of life,

Thou enlightened our way ceaselessly.

O! Sustainer and eternal guide Mother Sun.

Upon our murky path of existence,

Thou brighten our way incessantly,

O! Protector and Path provider father Moon,

O! Mother upon horizon under ecstasy of your love,

We behold you and praise thee.

O! Father upon the horizon with the bliss of your love,

We behold you and praise thee.

By Gyati Rana

Parent in Horizon- Mother Sun and Father Moon

|Parent in Horizon


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