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Oh dear Mishmi's

It's time to wake up from deep slumber

It's time to open our eyes

The time has come to welcome the future

Lord Amik Matai has blessed us with a vision

A vision of happiness and a strong society

Holy Nimke shall witness the change

With smiling children and glorified Mishmi's

Conquering the world

Knitting and closing the deal

Winning races of every skill

Oh dear Mishmi's

The time has come to overcome fear

Fear of dark webs and evil things

Holding our people's energy in vain

Amik's brightness shall shed its light

From Yakung to Aaholi & Glawtong

To Kathan and Mipi to Changlagam always

Mitigate every problem of the brethren

This results in bad omens for all

A wind of change caught trapped in the valley

Because the time has come for the Mishmi's

To realize their mistakes and accept

The brightest future and forget the past

Let's write a winning history of our own!


* The writer has imagined a society free of all kinds of drugs abuse, winning against Opium/Drugs substances and urges the society to have a positive attitude and to work for a progressive society.



By Alenso Chai

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