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Four Arrested for Drug Peddling in Ziro: A Growing Drug Menace in Arunachal Pradesh

ZIRO, 28 August 2024: In a significant operation on Tuesday, the police in Ziro successfully arrested four individuals on charges of drug peddling, seizing suspected heroin from their possession. This action represents one of many ongoing efforts by local law enforcement to tackle the escalating issue of drug trafficking and abuse in Arunachal Pradesh, which has seen a worrying surge in recent years.

The arrests were made following reliable information received by the Lower Subansiri Police. The tip-off indicated that a Tata Indica vehicle was transporting illicit drugs towards Kamle district via Ziro. Acting swiftly, a specialized police team led by Sub-Inspector (SI) J. Yomcha and comprising Inspector R. Borang, SI K. Yigam, ASIs P. Nobin, K. Leriak, L. Nyodu, and Constables M. Khomrang and P. Yaja, was formed under the direction of SDPO O. Lego and the supervision of SP Ziro.

The team enhanced their surveillance efforts at the Kardo nakka point to intercept the suspect vehicle. After intercepting the Tata Indica CS GLX vehicle, a search was conducted in the presence of Extra Assistant Commissioner (EAC) T. Yangchen and independent witnesses. During the search, a plastic vial and a pouch hidden inside a soap case were discovered, containing what appeared to be heroin weighing approximately 13.3 grams. The four individuals arrested in the incident were identified as Rotom Tani, Nido Kardak, Nido Deba, and Yalum Pegmir.

The case has been registered under the relevant sections of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act and has been transferred to SI K. Tacha for further investigation. This incident underscores the growing concerns about the proliferation of drug-related activities within the state and highlights the urgent need for comprehensive measures to address this issue effectively.

The Rising Drug Problem in Arunachal Pradesh

Arunachal Pradesh, known for its pristine natural beauty and vibrant cultural heritage, is increasingly facing the troubling problem of drug abuse and trafficking. Over the past few years, the state has witnessed a steady increase in cases related to narcotics, affecting not only individuals but also entire communities. Several factors have contributed to the rise in

Drugs Cocaine

drug-related activities in Arunachal Pradesh. The state’s geographical location, with its proximity to international borders, makes it vulnerable to drug trafficking. Routes through Myanmar and other Southeast Asian countries, known for their active drug trade, often pass through the north-eastern states of India, including Arunachal Pradesh. This, coupled with the state’s difficult terrain and relatively porous borders, makes it an easy target for drug traffickers.

Moreover, the youth of Arunachal Pradesh are particularly at risk. Unemployment, lack of recreational opportunities, and the increasing influence of external cultures have contributed to a growing drug culture among the younger population. The rise in substance abuse has had far-reaching consequences, leading to an increase in crime, deterioration in public health, and weakening of the social fabric of the state.

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Measures Needed to Combat Drug Trafficking and Abuse

Addressing the problem of drug trafficking and abuse in Arunachal Pradesh requires a multi-dimensional approach. Here are several measures that the government and civil society can implement to tackle this growing crisis:

1. Strengthening Law Enforcement and Surveillance

One of the most critical steps in combating drug trafficking is to bolster the capacity of law enforcement agencies. The government needs to invest in advanced surveillance technology, including drones and satellite monitoring, to track the movement of illegal substances across borders and within the state. Enhancing inter-agency cooperation between the state police, border security forces, and intelligence agencies is essential to disrupt drug trafficking networks.

The police force should also be equipped with modern tools and training to handle drug-related crimes more effectively. Special narcotics units could be established within the police force, focusing solely on anti-drug operations. Additionally, more frequent checks and patrols in known trafficking routes, especially in border areas, could help in intercepting illegal drug consignments before they reach populated areas.

2. Community Involvement and Awareness Campaigns

To combat the issue of drug abuse effectively, community involvement is crucial. The government, along with non-governmental organizations (NGOs), should launch widespread awareness campaigns to educate the public about the dangers of drug abuse. These campaigns could involve educational programs in schools and colleges, where young people are taught about the risks of drug addiction and the importance of making healthy lifestyle choices.

Community leaders, local influencers, and faith-based organizations can also play a significant role in these awareness campaigns. By leveraging their influence, they can help create a social stigma around drug use, making it less appealing to potential users.

3. Enhancing Rehabilitation and Treatment Facilities

Rehabilitation is a vital component in addressing drug addiction. The state must invest in building more rehabilitation centers and upgrading the existing ones to provide quality care for individuals struggling with substance abuse. These centers should offer a range of services, including medical treatment, psychological counseling, vocational training, and aftercare support to help individuals reintegrate into society.

Collaboration with NGOs and community-based organizations can enhance the reach and effectiveness of these rehabilitation efforts. Furthermore, providing incentives for private players to establish rehab centers can also be a step in the right direction.

4. Implementing Stricter Legal Frameworks and Penalties

A strong legal framework is crucial to deter drug trafficking and abuse. Revisiting the NDPS Act to introduce stricter penalties for offenders could serve as a significant deterrent. Special courts could be established to expedite the trials of those involved in drug trafficking, ensuring swift justice.

In addition, the government should focus on eradicating corruption within law enforcement agencies, which sometimes allows drug traffickers to operate with impunity. Regular audits, oversight mechanisms, and stringent punishment for any officials found colluding with drug networks could enhance the credibility and effectiveness of anti-drug efforts.

5. Fostering International and Inter-State Cooperation

Given its strategic location, Arunachal Pradesh’s drug problem cannot be addressed in isolation. International cooperation, especially with neighboring countries like Myanmar and China, is essential to tackle cross-border drug trafficking. Information sharing, joint operations, and coordinated efforts with international drug enforcement agencies could help to dismantle trafficking networks that operate across borders.

Additionally, inter-state cooperation among North-Eastern states, as well as with the central government, could enhance the effectiveness of anti-drug strategies. Regular meetings, data sharing, and collaborative initiatives could help create a unified front against drug trafficking.

6. Creating Economic Opportunities and Youth Engagement

One of the root causes of drug abuse is the lack of economic opportunities, particularly for the youth. Addressing unemployment through skill development programs, entrepreneurship support, and job creation initiatives can reduce the allure of drugs. Encouraging youth to participate in sports, arts, and other constructive activities can also keep them engaged and away from negative influences.

The government could also consider establishing recreational centers, libraries, and community hubs where young people can spend their time productively. Partnering with private sector companies to provide internships and job placements could further help in reducing unemployment and preventing drug abuse.

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The recent arrests in Ziro underscore the pressing need for a concerted effort to combat drug-related crimes in Arunachal Pradesh. While law enforcement plays a crucial role in this fight, it is clear that a holistic approach involving community participation, awareness, rehabilitation, strict legal action, and international cooperation is necessary to address the problem comprehensively. The government of Arunachal Pradesh must act decisively to implement these measures, ensuring that the state remains a safe and prosperous place for all its citizens.

By working together, we can hope to stem the tide of drug abuse and create a healthier, drug-free Arunachal Pradesh for future generations.


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