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The chirping sound of magnificent little robin birds from outside the window touches the ears of Asumi, dozing on the bed, dreaming: dreaming about the beautiful landscape, a gushing river, a clear blue sky, a breeze that almost lifts her into the air, and the sound of birds that form a melodic musical backdrop in her dream.

The noise of an alarm, out of nowhere, suddenly wakes her up. Asumi cautiously takes

dreaming about the beautiful landscape


out her right arm from inside the warm blanket and turns off the alarm. She shivers and mumbles with her teeth chattering-

"This morning is cold, unlike yesterday.

"But today is the day." She cries and jumps off the bed. Asumi starts getting ready-she brushes her teeth, collects clothes for laundry, cleans her room, takes a bath, and bakes cookies.

Abruptly, the chiming clock on the wall - the only antique piece in the house-starts striking. She stares at the clock and remembers the day when she asked him for that antique clock.

The clock was hung on the wall in his small library. Though it is no longer in the library, it nonetheless gives a traditional touch to the drawing room-it is made up of wood: brown in color, the round shape of the clock with Roman numerals, a rectangular shape of wood attached to it; which helps to mount it on the wall, and a golden colored pendulum to add to the elegance of the clock was embellished in that rectangular wood. Asumi was so fond of that old, handmade wooden clock that she often loved to visit the library to get a glimpse of it and to play with it like it was some sort of a toy.

Asumi believed that she had developed a close relationship with the clock. She believed that some sort of invisible string, which could not be touched but could be sensed, connected the clock with her soul.

He knew about her special affinity for the clock. But even though he was aware of this relationship, neither of them ever discussed it.

It was Monday morning-Asumi's mother was dressing her up for school.

A scream from outside penetrated inside the house-"I've got the job!" it declared. "I've been hired.”

Asumi immediately sprinted towards the door and saw him screaming in front of their house. He smiled, came up to her, and kissed her on the cheek. "I'm leaving tomorrow," he said.

"Are you going to take all your stuff?" Asumi inquired.

"Yes!" he exclaimed.

Though she was unable to say it, her outward appearance spoke volumes. Her face turned crimson, her eyes threatened to discharge water on his shoulder, and eventually, she became numb.

He knew where this was going-he knew this wasn't for him but for that antique clock.

I just bought a new wristwatch,' he grinned. Would you like to look after my quaint clock?'

A quick flashback ends. She collects her bag of cookies, opens the door, steps outside quietly, and carefully closes the door so she doesn't wake anyone up. Standing on the veranda, she gazes at the surroundings, feels the breeze, takes a deep breath, and says, "It's time!" and begins her walk.

All of a sudden, Asumi stops near the entrance of the cemetery and stands still, observing the surroundings. Meanwhile, a deep-rooted breeze comes along from nowhere and gives the memory of her first visit to the cemetery. She makes a move toward the entrance, where she finds a beautiful blue larkspur flower, which she identifies as an orchid-she instinctively plucks it off without any hesitation and walks inside.

She's quiet, gazes, and moves toward an old grave. She stands still, facing toward it and as Asumi walks halfway, a memory resurfaces: back when she was merely six years old, and had a bike accident in the backyard. Nobody was there but him.

He cradled her on his arm and said, "You are my princess. I won't let you get hurt."

The flashback goes off and gives away little teardrops in her eyes, but still manages to smile, gently wiping away her tears she continues walking towards a grave. After a long silence and staring at the old grave for a while, she takes out cookies from her bag and, with both hands holding flowers and cookies, lays them on the grave and says, "Goodbye, Father!" and walks away with a heavy heart, leaving her father's resting place behind.

Author: Lok Lapung

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