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APPSC Recruitment 2024

APPSC Recruitment 2024: Apply for Combined Competitive Examination

The Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) is inviting applications for the Combined Competitive Examination-2024 (APPSCCE-2024). Eligible candidates must be between the ages of 21 and 35 to apply for this recruitment.

A total of 140 positions are available for the advertised posts. Applicants are required to hold a graduate degree from a recognized university. The application fee is ₹150 for APST candidates and ₹200 for other candidates, payable online.

The selection process consists of three stages: a preliminary examination, a main examination, and an interview. The preliminary exam includes two objective-type papers with multiple-choice questions. The main exam comprises a written test followed by an interview.

The APPSCCE-2024 Preliminary Examination is scheduled for 15/12/2024 (Sunday). Interested candidates who meet the eligibility criteria should apply online via the official APPSC website before the application deadline.    


Post Name  

No. of Seats 

Arunachal Pradesh Civil Service (APSC-Entry Grade) Group-A  


Arunachal Pradesh Police Service (APPS-Entry Grade) Group-A  


Child Development Project Officer (CDPO) Group-A   


Assistant Registrar Cooperative Societies (ARCS) Group-A 


Assistant Director (Industry) ADI, Group-A


District Information and Public Relations Officer (DIPRO) Group-A


Labour Officer (LO) Group-B-Gazzetted 


District Land Revenue and Settlement Officer (DLRSO) Group-B-Gazetted


District Disaster Management Officer (DDMO) Group-B-Gazetted


District Art and Culture Officer (DACO) Group-B-Gazetted              


Station Superintendent (SS) Group-B-Gazetted   


Assistant Protocol Officer (APO) Group-B-Gazetted           


Assistant Station Superintendent (ASS) Group-B-Non-Gazetted    


Assistant Section Officer (ASO) Group-B-Non-Gazetted   


Assistant Art and Culture Officer (AACO) Group-B-Non-Gazetted 


Inspector (Tax and Excise) Group-B-Non-Gazetted             


Total Posts


Age Limit for APPSC Recruitment 2024:

Candidates must be at least 21 years old and not exceed 35 years of age as of the application deadline, which is November 10, 2024.

Age Relaxation for APPSC Recruitment 2024:

  • A relaxation of up to 5 years is applicable for candidates belonging to the Arunachal Pradesh Scheduled Tribe (APST).

  • A maximum of 3 years relaxation is provided for Defence Service Personnel who were disabled during operations in hostilities with a foreign country or in a disturbed area and subsequently released.

  • APST candidates who are Defence Service Personnel disabled during such operations may receive a relaxation of up to 8 years.

  • Candidates from the PwBD category are eligible for a relaxation of up to 10 years (15 years for APST PwBD candidates).

  • For regular Government servants, age relaxation will be granted as per the current Government rules and regulations.

Educational Qualification for APPSC Recruitment 2024:

Candidates must hold a graduate degree from a university recognized by the University Grants Commission (UGC). This includes universities incorporated by an Act of the Central or State Legislature in India, institutions established by an Act of Parliament, or those declared as deemed universities under Section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956, or any qualification recognized as equivalent by the Government.

APPSC Recruitment 2024 Application Fee:

  • APST Candidates: ₹150

  • Other Candidates: ₹200

  • PWD Candidates: No fee

The selection process for APPSC Recruitment 2024 will include the following stages:

  1. Preliminary Examination: This will be an objective-type exam with multiple-choice questions.

  2. Main Examination: Candidates who qualify in the preliminary exam will appear for the main exam, which consists of a written test.

  3. Interview: Those who pass the main examination will proceed to the interview stage.

Each paper in the exam will have a duration of two hours.

Application Process for APPSC Recruitment 2024:

As per the official notification for APPSC Recruitment 2024, eligible and interested candidates can apply online by completing the application form available on the official APPSC website and submitting it through the same portal.

Applicants must first complete the One-Time Registration process before proceeding with their application submission.

Candidates are advised to submit their applications along with all the required documents as specified by the committee during the application process, ensuring everything is submitted before the deadline.

The last date to submit the applications is 10.11.2024


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