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Abo Tani and the Chaotic Monkeys

In ancient times, Abo Tani, the revered ancestor of the Tani tribes, faced ongoing challenges from a group of mischievous monkeys that made his life quite difficult. For years, he diligently worked in his fields, tending to his crops in hopes of a bountiful harvest, only to have his hard work sabotaged by these clever creatures. The monkeys, swift and cunning, would descend from their concealed mountain lair, wreaking havoc on his plants and vanishing into the safety of the forest before Abo Tani could intervene.

Their mischief became an endless source of annoyance for him, and no matter how many tactics he employed to safeguard his fields, they always seemed to outsmart him. Frustrated and determined to put an end to this destructive cycle, Abo Tani resolved to devise a new approach—one that would guarantee his success against these troublesome monkeys. He understood that relying on brute strength wouldn’t solve the problem; instead, he needed to use his cleverness to create a plan that would lure the monkeys into his trap.

Abo Tani and the Chaotic Monkeys

|Abo Tani and the Chaotic Monkeys

As the harvest season approached, Abo Tani meticulously prepared for his confrontation with the mischievous monkeys. His mind was buzzing with ideas, and eventually, he devised a scheme that he believed would outsmart even the most cunning of the creatures. On the day he intended to put his plan into action, he entered his fields filled with determination. With oil and honey in hand, he smeared the sticky concoction all over himself, fully aware that this would attract swarms of buzzing insects and flies. While most might have been put off by the discomfort of such a tactic, Abo Tani recognized it as a crucial part of his strategy.

Once completely covered in the sticky mixture, Abo Tani lay still amidst his crops, his body swarming with flies. To anyone passing by, he would appear to have perished from the heat, his seemingly lifeless form baking under the blazing sun. With everything in place, all Abo Tani had to do was wait for the monkeys to take the bait.

Before long, the monkeys arrived, chattering with excitement as they prepared to launch another attack on Abo Tani's crops. However, as they neared the field, they spotted something peculiar: Abo Tani lying motionless among the crops, covered in flies and completely still. Initially, the monkeys were wary. Having encountered Abo Tani's tricks too many times before, they were reluctant to let their guard down, with some of them suspecting it might be another clever ruse.

To be certain, the monkeys huddled together and whispered, contemplating how to verify Abo Tani's fate. After some discussion, one of the more doubtful monkeys proposed rolling him down a nearby hill. If he were still alive, the movement would surely prompt him to react. If he remained unmoving, they would know for certain that he had met his demise.

The other monkeys agreed to the plan, and together they lifted Abo Tani’s seemingly lifeless body and rolled it down the hill. Fully prepared for this test, Abo Tani remained perfectly still, showing no signs of movement as he tumbled down. The monkeys observed him closely, and when they noticed his lack of response, their initial caution transformed into excitement.

Believing that Abo Tani was genuinely dead, the monkeys burst into cheers, celebrating their long-standing rival's defeat. With no one left to guard the fields, they could now raid the crops freely. Moreover, they relished the idea of indulging in what they thought would be the ultimate reward: a feast featuring the flesh of Abo Tani himself.

With their plan in mind, the monkeys carried what they believed was Abo Tani's lifeless body back to their hidden mountain lair. They imagined a grand celebration with a feast like no other. However, before they could start their preparations, they needed to collect herbs and spices from the nearby forest to season their meal properly.

Leaving Abo Tani's body behind, the monkeys set off in search of the ingredients. Unbeknownst to them, their plan was about to unravel in an unexpected way. As soon as the monkeys were out of sight, Abo Tani sprang back to life. What had seemed like a lifeless form moments ago was now filled with energy, and he was ready to take his revenge.

Abo Tani understood that the key to overcoming the monkeys lay in uncovering their most closely guarded secret: the basket that contained their souls. This magical artifact was hidden deep within their home, and without it, the monkeys would be defenseless. If he could locate and destroy this basket, he would free himself and others from their torment.

Filled with determination, Abo Tani scoured the monkeys' lair, his keen eyes searching every inch of the bamboo grove. It didn’t take long for him to discover what he was after—a small, inconspicuous basket concealed in a shadowy corner, skillfully hidden from view. Abo Tani’s heart raced as he recognized the significance of his find. This was the vessel that held the monkeys' souls, the very core of their existence.

Without wasting any time, Abo Tani grabbed the basket and rushed to a nearby fire. With resolve in his eyes, he tossed the basket into the blazing flames, watching intently as the fire devoured it with fierce intensity. The basket crackled and sizzled, and with the flames rising higher, Abo Tani understood that the monkeys’ fate was now sealed.

When the monkeys returned from their search, they were met with the shocking sight of their smoldering home. Panic engulfed them as they grasped the reality of what had occurred. The magic that had once safeguarded their souls was now lost to the fire. One by one, the monkeys collapsed lifelessly to the ground, their bodies reduced to mere empty shells.

In the end, Abo Tani emerged victorious. The once troublesome monkeys, who had tormented his fields for so long, were no longer a threat. With their souls destroyed, they could no longer endanger Abo Tani or his harvests. Standing over the lifeless bodies of the monkeys, Abo Tani reveled in the sweet taste of revenge, fully aware that he had succeeded through his cleverness and strategy.

The tale of Abo Tani’s triumph over the monkeys transformed into a legend, passed down through generations. It served as a reminder of the strength of intelligence and perseverance when facing challenges.

Adaptation Note:

This is an adapted version of the original myth as found in Tribal Echoes: Folklores from Arunachal Pradesh published by Karko Ao, LLP. While preserving the core elements and themes of the original story, this adaptation has been rephrased and expanded for contemporary readers.


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