Once upon a time, in a peaceful village surrounded by lush forests and flowing rivers, lived two close friends: a hen and a monkey. They were the best of friends, known for their strong bond and the way they supported each other through thick and thin. They worked together in a unique rotation system, taking turns to help each other cultivate their respective fields. Each day, the owner of the fields provided them with food as they worked.
One sunny day, while they were laboring in the monkey's field, the monkey called out to his friend, "Hey, it's lunchtime! Let's take a break." The hen, feeling the pangs of hunger, eagerly agreed. They sat under a majestic, sprawling tree, where the monkey opened the package of cooked 'Ton' (arums) he had brought from home. As they began to eat, the hen found it difficult to handle the slippery arums. As she struggled, the monkey quickly devoured most of the meal, leaving only scraps for the hen. The hen felt a deep sense of humiliation and hunger but chose not to voice her feelings. Instead, she silently vowed to teach the monkey a lesson one day.
The following day, they switched roles and went to work in the hen's field. For lunch, the hen brought a package of cooked rice called 'Zaam,' known for its gummy texture. As they sat down to eat, the hen opened the package, and they began their meal. This time, the monkey found himself in a difficult position. The sticky rice clung to his furry hands, making it nearly impossible for him to eat, while the hen enjoyed her meal without any trouble. The monkey felt deeply hurt and resentful, mirroring the feelings the hen had experienced the previous day.
Reflecting on his behavior, the monkey realized the impact of his actions. With a heavy heart, he turned to his friend and said, "Your actions today have opened my eyes. I now understand the pain I caused you. I am truly sorry for my selfishness. Please forgive me. I promise to be more considerate in the future."
The hen, moved by the monkey's sincere apology, forgave him. From that day forward, their friendship grew stronger as they learned the importance of empathy, fairness, and understanding. Although they no longer lived together, they remained close friends, ensuring they never hurt each other again.
Moral of the Story:
This folktale from the Wancho tribe of Arunachal Pradesh teaches us that- Tit for Tatothers with empathy and fairness, for the actions we take will often reflect back on us. "Tit for Tat" reminds us to act with kindness and consideration, as true friendship is built on understanding and mutual respect.